Starter’s Blog – A Bit Extra For May 2018
A follow up from my first posting, which has received mixed feed back. About half have said, “That’s nice, keep it going” A fair number have said, ” I expected it to be a bit more vicious, like you normally are on the first tee, I was disappointed” Everyone else has said, “What’s a blog?”
Anyway, since the first posting, we’ve had the Greenkeeper’s Cup, off the blue tees, which was nice, won by Daniel White with a very good score of 39 points, closely followed by our illustrious captain, Greg Cawthorne and James Abbott sharing second place with 38 points. I won’t mention the also-rans, or those that failed miserably, but you all know who you are. Not, I might add, that I would have done any better, as my current playing standard is that of a three legged donkey with piles and a bad hangover.
Also held, in glorious sunshine (at last), was the Gedling Challenge, which Ramsdale won! The Lady Mayoress of Gedling was in attendance to greet everyone on the tee and wish them all success. It was a great day, and making it’s first appearance on the tee was the Charity Bucket, where anyone hitting their tee shot into the first bunkers is obliged to deposit 50p (at least) into the bucket, There were ‘a few’ who were forced grudgingly to donate and this bucket will now be a feature on the first tee throughout the summer up until Charity Day on the 21st July, you have now been officially informed and warned, so please have your 50p’s ready. Despite one or two rumours, I will not be purloining any of these proceeds towards a new starter’s hut, this is a malicious and pernicious story perpetrated by a few unruly members who want to undermine my position and authority.
A bit more news for Charity Day, the Seniors will be sponsoring a hole in one prize on the 6th for a £5,000 golf equipment prize, so new irons, driver, fairway and rescue clubs, wedges, putter, bag, trolley, shoes, clothes etc. etc., and no, it won’t be tucked back in the far corner, it will be accessible, more information will be given soon.
On a serious note, membership renewals are becoming due, don’t leave it till the last minute, otherwise you may miss out on a competition or two, and please take care to fill in the forms fully.
The last medal, played on the 12th May, was won by Nathan Fowler, with a nice nett 66, in a good turnout, well done Nathan. I must report, however, a certain amount of ‘mission creep’ during the event, the early groups finishing in a respectable 4 hours fifteen minutes, but towards the end, this was dragging out to 4 hours 50 minutes. Okay, okay, I know it’s a medal, but we must try to keep the game flowing as much as possible in order to avoid frustration and me working overtime. Your cooperation would be much appreciated, as would any donations towards a new starter’s hut.