Past Captains Trophy 2021

Each year since 2005 the past Club Captains of Ramsdale Park have been invited to play for the annual Past Captains Trophy, followed by a meal and presentation. This is a thank you from the club to all the Captains in recognition for the time and effort they put in during their captaincy year.

Attending this year (pictured left to right)

  • Gary Box2004
  • Michael Bancroft2001
  • John Hilton2021 (guest)
  • Richard Hone2020
  • Hans Bauder2015
  • John White2013
  • Chris Oakes2005
  • Mark Northern2006
  • Tom McClatchie2010
  • Ian Riddell2011

Congratulations to Mark Northern for winning the trophy this year. Presented by the Immediate Past Captain, Richard Hone.

…. and was Mark happy to win it?

… of course he was!

September 2021