Seacroft GC
Singles Stableford
Printed: 8 August 2020
Competition Result
Competition played on 08 August 2020 at Seacroft.
Full Net Result
Overall Position Score (Strokes Rcd) OoM Prize Countback
1 Martin McDonald 37 pts (02) 35 £50
2 Pete Horsley 35 pts (26) 31 £40
3 Alan Swann 34 pts (07) 29 £30
4 James Abbott 33 pts (02) 27 £20
5 Will Davies 32 pts (00) 25 £10 Last Nine Holes
6 Richard Hone 32 pts (12) 23 Last Nine Holes
7 Garry Seagrave 32 pts (14) 21
8 Ian Riddell 31 pts (11) 19
9 Ritchie Perry 30 pts (21) 17
10 Andrew Richardson 29 pts (16) 15
11 Martin Bettison 28 pts (17) 10 Last Nine Holes
12 Luke McDonald 28 pts (03) 10 Last Nine Holes
13 Ian Saunders 28 pts (09) 10
14 James Allen 27 pts (16) 10
15 Danny Harkin 26 pts (12) 10 Last Nine Holes
16 John Hilton 26 pts (15) 10 Last Nine Holes
17 Dave Merchant 26 pts (08) 10 Last Six Holes
18 Mick Greenwood 26 pts (09) 10 Last Three Holes
19 Dean Neville 26 pts (05) 10
20 Dave Voce 25 pts (17) 10 Last Nine Holes
21 Chris Jukes 25 pts (13) 5 Last Nine Holes
22 Pete Coupe 25 pts (06) 5 Last Nine Holes
23 Sandeep Chauhan 25 pts (09) 5
24 Lee Bettison 24 pts (00) 5 Last Nine Holes
25 Gary Box 24 pts (05) 5 Last Nine Holes
26 Terry Crofts 24 pts (16) 5
27 Kevin Stretch 23 pts (19) 5
28 Paul Callaghan 22 pts (25) 5 Last Nine Holes
29 Hans Bauder 22 pts (16) 5
30 Phil Abbott 21 pts (13) 5
31 Karl Drayton 17 pts (21) 5
Number of Cards Processed = 31
Competition Format:
Singles Stableford competition. Handicap allowance: Full allowance.
Competition Scratch Score (CSS):
This Competition was non-qualifying for handicap purposes.
Where a player is placed ahead of the following player in the results, based upon matching scorecards (‘Countback’), the ‘Countback’ column documents the winning section of their scorecard.
Changes to Handicaps:
There were no changes to any (HOME Club) Competitor’s Playing Handicap.
There were 3 Twos recorded:
Luke McDonald 4
Andrew Richardson 14
Ian Riddell 14