Committee Day – Sunday, 5th August 2018

Congratulations to Thomas Middleton – winner of the inaugural Committee Day event. Pictured is Thomas receiving his winning prize from Mark Oldershaw, Vice Captain.

The event was a huge success with over 90 members taking part on a glorious summer day. The catering staff provided an excellent BBQ which was very much appreciated by all.

We expect to run the event again next year, and have learnt some important lessons regarding how to enable things to run a bit more smoothly, in particular how to avoid the unfortunate delay we had on this occasion with the prize presentation.

Many thanks go to all those involved in organising the event, and to Burhill Golf for providing the Nearest The Pin prizes.

Result :-

1st Place : Thomas Middleton (40 points)

2nd Place : Keith Porter (39 points)

3rd Place : Richard Hone (39 points)

6th Nearest The Pin : Alfredo Daseco

8th Nearest The Pin : Mark Oldershaw

11th Nearest The Pin : Lyle Shaw

17th Nearest The Pin : Paul Thompson

18th Nearest The Pin (in 2) : Steve Norton