Charity Day – 21 July 2018


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To view the list of prize winners – click here

This event is now completed

Click here for the Charity Day Team Entry Form (pdf)

Competition Details – click here : Auction Details – click here

Course Sponsors Listing – click here

Every year at Ramsdale Park Golf Club, the Annual Charity Day is the biggest fund raiser for the Captains Charity for the year, and this year is no exception.

The Charity Day this year will be held on 21 July 2018, and myself and the Committee will be working in the background to ensure that this day will be a success.

I would encourage all members to please assist me where possible with prize donations and sponsors for the day, no matter how small – these will all be used in some way to raise funds for this worthwhile Charity. If you would be interested in donating a prize or sponsoring on the day, please do let me know so that details/arrangements can be made.

Thanks and regards

Greg Cawthorne – Captain 2018