January Committee Meeting



Please note that the minutes for the committee meeting held 7th January 2025 have now been uploaded under the committee drop-down menu above.

As always if any member has anything they would like to be discussed at the next meeting please contact a member of the committee either in person or via the email addresses listed under the committee section above.

Also as a reminder the date for the AGM is set as 4th February 2025 starting at 7:00pm and all members are welcome to attend.


Martin Bettison

RPGC Secretary.

Ramsdale Park Golf Club 31st AGM



The date for this years Annual general Meeting is set for the 4th February 2025.

The meeting will start promptly at 7:30pm and all members are invited to attend.

Minutes of the 30th AGM are posted under the committee drop down menu above.

There are also proposal and nomination forms for any member who wishes to be considered for position on the committee but please remember that an appointment to the committee is for a 3 year term. Also the proposal forms are for anyone to put forward any matters for discussion at the AGM and these should be completed and returned 7 days prior to the meeting.

There is a new form which is for any member that wishes to be considered for the position of Vice Captain. This is to offer the opportunity to anyone who may wish to be considered and feel they have never been asked but would like to do the job. These need to be completed and returned in confidence to the committee anytime prior to the start of the new playing season (April).


Martin Bettison

RPGC Secretary

Comp December 28th

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Comp Dec 21st

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Comp December 15th

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Comp December 1st

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Comp November 17th

Made a mistake, Luke Brinkworth should read Liam 👍
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Comp Nov 9th

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Comp Nov 2nd

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Comp October 27th

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